Download Images Library Photos and Pictures. Would make a fantastic bee costume headpiece 22x18 inch (580x480 mm) frame with high quality RA4 print and mount individually cut to size. Madagascan Hissing Cockroach, Gromphadorhina portentosa, side view. invertebrate, arthropods, insects, invertebrates, cockroach, feelers, invertebrate phyla, animal antenna, blattodea, blaberidae, gromphadorhina portentosa, creepy crawlies, madagascan hissing cockroach, live bearing cockroaches, 71393929. Image supplied by Fine Art Storehouse 22x18 inch (580x480 mm) frame with high quality RA4 print and mount individually cut to size. Desert Cockroach, Arenivaga investigata, side view. invertebrate, arthropods, insects, invertebrates, feelers, invertebrate phyla, animal antenna, blattodea, desert cockroach, 71393930, arenivaga investigata, polyphagidae, sand cockroaches. Image supplied by Fine Art Storehouse Maximillian Fly ISBN: 9780062958082 PUBLICATION DATE: 17 June 2019 The bestselling author of the...